A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


Simple game. Avoid the bugs and get the sheep safely to the tree!


Use the keyboard arrows to move sheep.

Can you complete the game?

25 sheep in total to save. Can you save all sheep?

You will be rewarded with a congratulations screen if you do. Send your screenshot of this screen showing you completed the game!

Other info

Executable for Linux and Windows provided.

Built with the Godot game engine.


2.0SaveTheSheep_Linux.zip 17 MB
CREDITS.md 1.3 kB
2.0SaveTheSheep_Windows.zip 16 MB

Install instructions

Download the zipped file for your OS.

  • SaveTheSheep.x86_64 (Linux exe) / SaveTheSheep.exe (Windows exe) - Run to play the game.
  • SaveTheSheep.pck - This should always be in the same directory as executable.

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